July 2024

First female bankruptcy judge focused on opportunity, not adversity

First female bankruptcy judge focused on opportunity, not adversity

Expectations didn’t hold Robyn Moberly back from doing what she wanted.

The recently retired bankruptcy judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana was encouraged to pursue two traditional career paths for women when she entered college in the 1970s.

“I grew up in a different era than today, and most people anticipated that women would become nurses or teachers because it blended so well with having a family. And certainly my parents had that expectation for me, and so they insisted that I major in elementary education,” Moberly said.

She graduated from Indiana University Bloomington in 1975 with a degree in elementary education and economics.

Moberly said she couldn’t really get a job with an economics major without also going to graduate school.

As she was considering graduate school, she was surrounded by high-achieving women in a sorority house.

“Since a lot of the women were going to law school, and many are now physicians, surgeons, I kind of started thinking outside the box, and that’s what pushed me to go to law school, was the women I was around,” Moberly, who received her J.D. from the Robert H. McKinney School of Law in

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Giuliani Seeks to Alter Bankruptcy to Speed Asset Sale but Keep Future Income

Rudolph W. Giuliani told a bankruptcy court on Monday that he would like to have his assets sold to pay his creditors, including two Georgia election workers he defamed in his efforts to keep former President Donald J. Trump in office after the 2020 election.

Mr. Giuliani asked the bankruptcy court to convert his case from what is known as Chapter 11 to Chapter 7, which would put an independent trustee in charge of his assets, similar to what the creditors requested.

Mr. Giuliani, who filed for bankruptcy in December, has listed about $11 million in assets, most of which come from two properties he owns in New York and Palm Beach, Fla. In court filings, he has disclosed that he owes about 20 people and businesses about $153 million, including $148 million to the two election workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss.

After months of absent, late and incomplete filings, lawyers for his creditors recently asked the court to hold the former New York City mayor in contempt and to impose penalties. They have previously expressed concerns that he is hiding income. Last month, they asked the court to appoint an independent trustee to take over Mr. Giuliani’s

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